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“Waiting Room Fairies” by Kimberly Emilia

The restraint in Emilia's writing is powerful and almost musical in the way it describes a moment and projects a fuller story past the end of the page.

I'm on the fiction board of Philadelphia Stories, a quarterly, and every once in a while a story comes in that I just really like. No offense to any of the other writers out there -- I like the other material too, and I'll mention those in the future.

"Waiting Room Fairies" is one of those stories where there isn't a lot of explicit plot, or even character development, but the descriptions and details give you everything you need to finish the story in your mind. The restraint is powerful and almost musical in the way it describes a moment and projects a fuller story past the end of the page.  You can read in the Summer 2014 issue of Philadelphia Stories or on their website.