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Science Week! The Climate

Our planet is drying up. The water is evaporating and the carbon dioxide is increasing in a feedback loop until the heat kills all life on earth.

Our planet is drying up. The water is evaporating and the carbon dioxide is increasing in a feedback loop until the heat kills all life on earth. On January 22nd, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists announced the human race is now 3 minutes away from destruction on their Doomsday Clock.

They make this sort of announcement every year at this time, a symbolic pronouncement on the state of the world as Mankind threatens it with pollution, war, radiation, and fear of clocks not made by Apple, which we all thought we'd have by now; what's different this year is that the symbolic time-running-out message is as dire as it's ever been since they started it in 1947, when all humanity had to worry about was the atomic bomb and television.

And they're not the only ones having a bad day;

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