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Donald Trump Has the Hugest Hissy Fit in History. Huge. HUGE!

Donald Trump has dropped out of the final pre-Iowa-Caucus debate with the best kid-faking-a-sick-note-from-mom note ever.

We normally avoid political discussions here, because it never gets us anywhere, but Donald Trump has dropped out of the final pre-Iowa-Caucus debate with the best kid-faking-a-sick-note-from-mom note ever.

It starts:

As someone who wrote one of the best-selling business books of all time, The Art of the Deal, who has built an incredible company, including some of the most valuable and iconic assets in the world, and as someone who has a personal net worth of many billions of dollars, Mr. Trump knows a bad deal when he sees one. FOX News is making tens of millions of dollars on debates, and setting ratings records (the highest in history), where as in previous years they were low-rated afterthoughts.

...and deteriorates from there.

Chris Cillizza has a brilliant analysis of the whole thing in the Washington Post today.

Here's hoping this story is incomprehensible to historians reading it in the far distant six months from now.