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Millenials Can Do Things

There is a weird argument right now that says people in their 20s don't know how to do anything. This is the same argument that's been made since young people were invented

There is a weird argument right now that says people in their 20s don't know how to do anything, either because their parents pampered them or because computers do it all for them.

This is the same argument that's been made since young people were invented (May 20, 1954) and it's more of a comedy setup than a reality.

As always, it depends who you're talking about, and what exactly your asking them to do. As always, there are young people who get a lot done -- Masters degrees, startups, artisanal soap, rebuilding a transmission -- and young people who are going to age and never succeed at anything until they end up in management or Fox News commentary.

The bigger danger is that they will be goaded into explaining how they do what they're doing until our ears bleed. No one needs more Ted Talks.