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The Circus Festival Is No Place For Benchwarmers

August 2019, we visited the bi-annual AYCO Festival. In moves every time, and this time it was in San Diego. I thought I'd write a straight travel article. This is how it turned out.

Representatives from the Philadelphia School of Circus Arts included (from left) coach Karen Ladd, Gretta Maguire, Mara Sell, coach Adam Woolley, Jonas Sell, Isa Kennedy, Bronyn Mazlo, and parent Shana Kennedy.

WALT MAGUIRE Representatives from the Philadelphia School of Circus Arts included (from left) coach Karen Ladd, Gretta Maguire, Mara Sell, coach Adam Woolley, Jonas Sell, Isa Kennedy, Bronyn Mazlo, and parent Shana Kennedy.

Running Away to the Circus, by Walt Maguire.
Philadelphia Inquirer, 10/4/19 (online) 10/6/19 (print)