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December 12, 2015, 1-2. Be part of the crowd that says "Yes, I was there. Let us never speak of it."

Can Walt Maguire read all of "A Christmas Carol" in only an hour? Maybe if he weren't reading it aloud in front of an audience.

Since he is, take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime gape-inducing wonder. Be part of the crowd that says "Yes, I was there. Let us never speak of it."

Saturday, December 12, 2015

1-2 pm


5 East Gravers Lane
Chestnut Hill, PA

Part of the Chestnut Hill Sugarplum Saturday Christmas events.

Republican candidates have called for inaction and a continued free hand for hate crimes and mentally disturbed people.

In no surprise to anyone, Republican candidates have called for inaction and a continued free hand for hate crimes and mentally disturbed people in their pursuits against students and civilians of all ages. "Stuff happens," said one, and others said it was too soon to discuss the events; the general feeling was it was still too soon to discuss the Sandy Hook murders three years ago, or even the harassment of that poor Mr. Booth in 1865.

The date of the next senseless massacre is unknown but will not be a surprise. There have been 294 mass executions in the past year.

Pope Francis in Philadelphia PA September 26-27, 2015. Yikes.

The Pope is coming to Philadelphia

papal soft @FarFarrAway
from @FarFarrAway @WMF2015

Now that we know what a disaster city planning has been, we can all sit back, feel smugly superior, and stroll the quiet streets, since we've cleverly scared everyone off and Philadelphia will be just one big sidewalk cafe for the weekend.

Picnic baskets and coolers are not allowed in the Francis Fest Zone, by the way.

September 26-27, 2015.