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Les Machines de l’île is a 333 acre amusement park in Nantes, Verne's hometown.

H.G. Wells has been known for his hatred of Jules Verne, but perhaps even he would admit that a steam punk amusement park, based on Verne's writings, is an entertaining idea. Or at least that a steam punk amusement park based on Verne's writing is completely appropriate for other, less flattering, reasons.


steam punk elephant water ride. I think.
An elephant water ride with DaVinci wings because you know that's a thing in the world of Verne, though it's not actually in any of his books, probably.

Les Machines de l’île is a 333 acre amusement park in Nantes, Verne's hometown. If you like steam punk, love to indulge your steam punk-loving kids, and find Paris too nice for the likes of you but want to spend a fortune in France anyway, then this is definitely worth checking out.

No dogs.

Drones. We should have known they would be a problem when "drone" was the best name we could come up with.

Drones. We should have known they would be a problem when "drone" was the best name we could come up with.

CNN cleared to test drones for reporting
Jan. 12, 2015, CNN

Drones could pose serious hazard in NZ airspace, pilots warn
Jan. 17, 2015, TVNZ ONE News

Being pestered by drones? Buy a drone-hunting drone
By Matthew Sparkes, Deputy Head of Technology, Jan. 16, 2015, The Telegraph

Drones: how not to kill people with your Christmas present
By Andrew Griffin, Dec. 24, 2014, The Independent

This might be the most annoying and most hilarious present this Christmas
By Chris Smith, 

Dads With Drones Are Ruining Christmas
By Brian Barrett, Dec. 24, 2014, Gizmodo

Drone revolution still waiting on FAA rules
Scott Mayerowitz, Jan. 7, 2015, Associated Press, The Wichita Eagle

It's back. 12 hours hosted by Joel Hodgson.

It's back. It's on the internet, which is where Science 3000 always meant the Mystery Science Theater to be. (And has been for years, thanks to fans, so nice to see Shout Factory admitting it.)

Tom Servo
Tom "Turkey" Servo

Catch it here or even here
on Thanksgiving.

You're on your own figuring out how to watch while your parents are glaring at you across the dinner table when your behavior prompts grandmom to tell stories of the olden days when tv was watched on tv. Thanks a lot.

Six movies, 12 hours hosted by Joel Hodgson, with new introductions by Mr. Hodgson.