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Alvin and the Chipmunks, "The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)". Oh, it brings back such memories, doesn't it?

Alvin and the Chipmunks, "The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)"
explained by Mahalo

Oh, it brings back such memories, doesn't it? Of black-and-white tv, then having full color but only a blurry third- or fourth-generation YouTube video to look at. What happened to all the old Chipmunk video? Why are left with all the newer terrible stuff? Well, the song is the important thing. We all still want that hoola hoop.

According to the New York Times, sales of e-books have cooled off.

fbtu23cov-thumbAccording to the New York Times, sales of e-books have cooled off.  The dazzling arrival of e-books has cooled into the practical, mundane reality of reading. It's not that people have turned against e-books, but they're concentrating on the book, and not differentiating on the platform.

Something similar is happening with phones; while adults and teens are addicted to tiny screens, younger kids are less interested. In part, this is the natural urge to be different from the oldsters; but it's also a lack of tech adoration. These devices are a normal, mundane part of their lives, not magic.